Welding4.0 for
Transformation to Industry5.0
What is Sustainable Welding Excellence?
Excellence cannot be achieved without persistent efforts. IndiaWelds Synergy tries to establish this by bringing together the industry and academia to exchange ideas, technology know-how and deliberate probable solutions to perpetual issues that ails the welding sector.
Welding4.0 for Transformation to Industry5.0
It cannot be only machines! There has to be a co-existence of both human and machines working in tandem with each other for our industry to flourish. Adoption of new technologies can be easier this way and that is what Industry5.0 is all about! While machines have started to talk to each other, the human -machine collaboration needs a push to take our industry to new heights. But how do we do it? What are the challenges to the same? How do we integrate the IoT based technologies with the existing ecosystem? Call it Industry4.0S or Industry5.0, the ultimate need is to break open the silos and look at challenges at every level of adoption.
Lets discuss and learn about Technology and People in this edition of IndiaWelds Synergy 2023!
Conference | Exhibition | Networking
Conference will have the industry and academia giants imparting their knowledge and experience to the attendees. The topics have been crafted (not just drafted!) in accordance to the most relevant themes in present day welding sector (done after collecting feedbacks!).
Exhibition is for us to see how knowledge has been rightly translated into technology by the experts! It also provides a direction to the R&D carried out by various organisations – industry and academia.
Networking is about people! The usage of social media has already made us all smart enough to communicate online! During IndiaWelds Synergy, let us use the skills to enhance our career and knowledge. Connect to the subject experts. Connect for jobs. Connect for business.
IndiaWelds Synergy is THE place to do all these and more…